Ages 5 – 8 years old
Joey Scouts is for youth members between the ages of 5 to 8 years old. Both boys and girls can join. Joey Scouts is the first chance for young children to have a real adventure, like their first abseil, a visit to the local fire station, or even an overnight camp!
From 5 years of age, Joey Scouts play an active role in their program, from discussing activities they want to do and experiencing a degree of independence and teamwork. Joey Scouts are mentored by our older youth sections and are always supported and supervised by our trained adult leaders.
Joey Scout Promise Award
To earn the Promise Award (Peak Award of the section), Joey Scouts must complete a number of age-appropriate outdoor and personal development activities. This includes achieving the foundation stages of our Outdoor Adventure Skills, building skills in areas they are interested in (known as Special Interest Areas), as well as demonstrating teamwork and leadership behaviours.
Joey Scouts at Noosa Sea Scout Group
Our Joey section is currently hibernating as we do not have a section leader. Please keep checking back to see when this section is coming out of hibernation. If you are interested in becoming a Joey section leader, please contact Tony, the Noosa Sea Scouts Group Leader, at gl@noosa.scoutsqld.com.au to discuss this opportunity.
For more information, please read the process for joining the Noosa Sea Scout Group.