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Process for joining Noosa Sea Scout Group.
- Please explore this website and the resources page to see what we do.
- Explore the Scouts Queensland website for general information about scouting.
- Once your child has decided that they would like to join Scouts, please complete the Noosa Sea Scout Group Expression of Interest Form.
- Once this form has been completed, your child will be invited to attend a section night to see if they enjoy Scouts.
- Please do not attend a section night without being invited, as you may be turned away for many reasons.
- Once you have attended the section night, you are invited to, and your child is keen to start scouting you need to complete the Scouts Queensland Membership Form.
- After completing the Scouts Queensland form, please email and let us know you have submitted your child’s application.
- Once the application is approved, your child can become a regular member of their section.
- Please do not attend any further section nights until you have received notification of approval to attend, or you may be turned away for many reasons.
- Once your child has the approval to join their section, you can then purchase your child’s uniform. This is done through the Official Australia Online Store. What you need to purchase is:
- Youth Members shirt for the correct section (it is better sometimes to buy a larger size, especially if they are going to be a section for a long time).
- A light blue scarf
- A Queensland Woggle or Section specific woggle
- A Queensland Scarf badge (you will need to sew this on yourself)
- Other pieces of uniform and equipment you will need, but do not have to be scout specific is:
- A broad-brimmed hat
- Stone-coloured trousers (for formal parades, not everyday use)
- Smart shoes (for formal parades, not everyday use)
- Water bottle
- Notepad and pen
- Unit shirt (this is purchased from the Group)
- Other camping equipment and activity equipment as dictated by the activity
- More parent information about joining Scouts is available at the Scouts Queensland Parent Resources web page.